1. First you need to open a financial balance from any bank you like. (Nabil, Mega, NIC Asia, Global IME you pick)
2. Besides, open a DEMAT account from a similar bank. DEMAT is a record opened by a financial backer to execute the offers/stocks. (Simply request the type of DEMAT from the gathering of bank)
Presently, you need to comprehend about the Primary and Secondary Market.
Essential market is the market where organization gives its offers interestingly. For instance: If an organization (Let's say Nepal Hydro) needs to raise capital then they need to give their offers from the actual bank as Initial Public Offering, which implies that you can purchase the portions of Nepal Hydro from a similar bank you opened your DEMAT account. For this situation assuming you purchase an offer from the actual organization, you are purchasing shares from essential market.
While Secondary market is that where financial backers exchange stocks/divides between themselves.
Assume, you opened a DEMAT account, purchased the offers from the essential market and fortunately your offers are recorded. Presently, assuming you need to sell that offers, you should go to facilitate office to sell it. Along these lines, for this situation, the dealer office is the auxiliary market.
Furthermore, presently suppose you need to purchase stocks/portions of another organization (Assume Tamakoshi Hydro), yet the organization isn't offering any offers in the essential market. Thus, presently assuming you wank to purchase the portions of Tamakoshi Hydro, you need to go to a specialist office to purchase shares which is the auxiliary market.
Normally, the cost of offers/stocks at optional market is higher than of essential market.
Thus, this is the way you purchase and sell partakes in Nepal. Also, regardless of whichever calling you are connected with, you can in any case purchase and sells partakes in Nepal. I'm a 18 year old IT understudy and I am doing it since a year. I have not been to optional market to purchase and sell stocks yet I have purchased supplies of a few organizations from essential market. What's more, beginning with purchasing stocks from essential market is fine. Stick with essential market for a year and afterward leisurely move towards optional market.
Likewise on the off chance that you have any inquiry identified with this answer, go ahead and comment.
Alter : Now, you can purchase portions of essential market through online moreover. Simply go to your bank, top off the structure for C-ASBA. They will give you a confirmation number, otherwise called CRN number. Presently, go to http://www.merosshare.cdsc.com.np and sign in with the login id and secret phrase given by your bank and purchase stocks from that point on the web.
Nepse Mobile application
NEPSE has additionally intended to coordinate Trading Management System (TMS) in their versatile application. Presently the current NEPSE application gives the live offer market files, value, top gainers/washouts as displayed on their site. As they have begun to set up a delicate for the portable application, we can expect the new NEPSE versatile application to dispatch in a half year. Mero Share has effectively dispatched its versatile application for the IPO/FPO/right offer purchasing and helping share exchange with EDIS share move.
With the presentation of online offer exchanging Nepal, financial backers can purchase or sell the offers through the Nepse online framework utilizing the web on one or the other Mobile, Laptop, or Computer. You can put in a request for a particular no of offers to purchase or sell. In the wake of putting in the request, if the request coordinates, the exchange becomes effective else it will drop by the day's end.